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Auto Services

Keeping your car safe and working efficiently You and your family spend a lot of time in your vehicle: you take it to work, taking the kids to school, football practice and meeting up with friends. Because you're so busy, it may be difficult finding the time to change the oil and replace the spark plugs. Plus, today's computerized vehicles may require more than routine maintenance. You may need the help of a qualified service professional for diagnostic tests, cleaning and replacement services.

That's where Vishnu Marajh Motors Auto Service can help. We're committed to helping you gain the knowledge to make the right service decisions at the right time.


Preventative Maintenance Service  - Approximate Cost $475.00

This package includes 1 Gallon of Oil and Filter. Our Technicians will complete the following tasks and checks:

Lubricate suspension, steering, stabilizer bars, cables, linkages and contact points

Change Oil & Filter

Check Transmission Fluid

Top up fluids as necessary

Inspect and Rotate Tires

Check Tyre Pressure

Inspect drive belts, radiator hoses, battery cables, and battery

Inspect Air Filter

Check all lights

Check Wiper Blades and Reservoir fluid

Inspect spark plugs

Check from and rear brakes and adjust


Premium Service – Approximate Cost $1,050.00

This package includes 1 Gallon of Oil and Filter, 4 Spark Plugs, 1 Gallon of Coolant. Our Technicians will complete the following tasks and checks:

Lubricate suspension, steering, stabilizer bars, cables, linkages and contact points

Change Oil & Filter

Check Transmission Fluid

Top up fluids as necessary

Inspect and Rotate Tires

Check Tyre Pressure

Inspect drive belts, radiator hoses, battery cables, and battery

Inspect Air Filter

Check all lights

Check Wiper Blades and Reservoir fluid

Check from and rear brakes and adjust

Check shock and strut operation

Check Horn

Check braking system for fluid leaks and adjust

Inspect exhaust system

Inspect Engine Mounts

Change Spark Plugs

Flush Radiator


Transmission Flush - $200.00

Added to the cost of this service fee will be 1 Transmission Flush Solution, 1 Transmission Treatment Solution and the total amount of Fluid used in the Flush process.

The cost of this service would vary depending on the type of car and the type of Transmission fluid required, but an average cost will be approximately $730.00